Today I took groceries to my 81 year old mom. We stayed in the garage for a few to visit but stood six feet apart. Everything was fine until I saw all her Easter decorations. She decorates for every holiday inside and outside of her house. I don’t know if I’ve ever not been with her for Easter but this will be a first. I started to cry, which made her cry. As we all stood there in the garage I said a prayer for her, and for all our family and friends, then we gave air hugs and left. She stood on her porch and blew kisses as I blew one back at her and cried as I drove away. Let this pandemic season stir your hearts to forgive old hurts, to let the past go and to connect or reconnect with your family and friends. Time is short, we don’t know how much time we have so make every moment count. #Covid19 #StayHome #prayforessentialworkers